Enabling building decarboniza­tion at scale

We aim to become the go-to software platform for renovation planning and building de­car­boni­zation. Our mission is to make renovation planning fast and easy and to enable real estate consul­tants and owners to find solutions that combine financial per­formance with climate compati­bility.

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These companies trust our expertise

icccon ecowo GmbH Schaeppi Grundstücke Stiftung Abendrot s3 GmbH diePROJEKTFABRIK W. Neumann Consult AG

Our software tool allows real estate consultants to reduce complexity, save time and deliver optimal results:

Cover every aspect of renovation planning: from energy modeling to feasi­bility checks, from profitabi­lity maximi­zation to CO2 reduction.
Save time and money: our tool streamlines the entire planning and decision-making process, from data collection to CO2 optimi­zation.
Boost your customer experience and increase sales: Compare over 400 different renovation strategies to find the optimal solution for your customer fast.

Gone are the days of manually collecting data and measuring building plans. Design and compare over 400 different renovation strategies with just a few clicks including technical feasi­bility, regulatory compliance, subsidies, tax savings and rent implications, PV yield, operational and embodied emissions. Assess both buildings and port­folios and create tailor-made renovation and invest­ment plans that are aligned with climate goals.

Learn more about our tool


“Scandens was a stroke of luck: the software enables us to develop and report strategies independently, strengthens our expertise and reduces costs. It also provides excellent customer support.”

Niklaus Bamert
CFO, Aargauische Gebäudeversicherung

“Scandens helps us with consulting at project and portfolio level: through energy status analyses, feasibility studies, comparisons of variants and cost presentations including subsidies – real added value. We can offer our advice more efficiently and help clients to significantly reduce project emissions.”

Kushtrim Hazari
Manager, Icccon

“We use Scandens to compare the ecological and economic effects of different refurbishment strategies on the basis of data, thereby creating added value for our customers.”

Maria Sciavarrello
Head Real Estate Advisory, BLKB Fund Management AG

An impact-driven ETH Spin‑off

Behind Scandens, there is a strong and experienced team that brings together expertise in sustain­able construc­tion, energy engineering, startup growth, software develop­ment and machine learning. We are united in our mission to speed up the de­car­boniza­tion of the real estate sector and thus contribute to a more sustain­able and livable future.

More about Scandens

Our why

Construction and operation of buil­dings cause almost 40% of global CO2 emissions.

Our why

We are a team of passionate individu­als who are deeply con­cerned about the impact of climate change on our planet. Growing up, we wit­nessed the changing land­scape of the Swiss mountains, with disappearing glaciers and moors. The global consequen­ces of climate change are dire, with rising sea levels, species extinction, and devas­tating fires.

The building sector contri­butes nearly 40% of global CO2 emissions, and urgent action is needed to combat this. As a team of building engineers, developers and finance experts, we believe that we can make a difference by transforming the industry with sustain­able practices and innova­tive solutions.


Our mission

Decarbonizing the building sector.

Our mission

At Scandens, we believe that the de­car­boniza­tion of the building sector requires CO2 to be consi­dered as a crucial KPI in the early project phases of renovation planning or deciding between new construc­tion and renova­tion. This can increase complexity and effort, but we are here to simplify the process. Our goal is to make renova­tion planning easy and efficient, empowering real estate consul­tants and owners to make informed decisions that are both climate-com­pati­ble and financially attractive.

Through our work, we strive to speed up the transition towards a climate-com­pati­ble building sector, contri­buting to a sustain­able and livable future. We believe that by pro­viding solutions that reduce the environ­mental impact of buildings, we can make a positive impact on our planet and future gene­rations.


Our vision

Be the leading software platform for buil­ding reno­vation planning and de­carboni­zation.

Our vision

Our vision is to be the leading provider of software technology that enables optimal building d­ecarboni­zation, making it easy for real estate consul­tants and owners to reduce the carbon foot­print of their buildings. By 2025, we aim to save 10,000 tons of green­house gas (GHG) emissions in Switzer­land and 700,000 tons of GHG emissions in Europe by 2030.


We provide you with insights and know-how about building de­car­boniza­tion

In addition to our innovative soft­ware solution, Scandens is committed to supporting real estate stake­holders in their efforts towards sustain­ability. We believe that knowledge is power, and we are dedicated to raising awareness about climate change, sustainable construction and renovation, policies, and finance.

To this end, we have created an extensive encyclopedia that contains essential information that real estate owners, con­sultants, managers, and engineers need to know. This encyclo­pedia is a free resource that is accessible to everyone, and it is designed to provide valuable insights into sustain­ability and de­car­boniza­tion in the building sector.

Our goal is to empower real estate professionals to make informed decisions and take action towards a more sustain­able future. Join us in our commitment to building a better world, one building at a time.

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