The basics of building decarbonization explained
Our know-how section is the go-to resource for insights on the impact of real estate on climate change and the existing technology that solves it. From climate science foundations to industry best practices, our team shares their knowledge and expertise to help you navigate through the topic.
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Insights and know-how you might be interested in:
Get to know all the basics about climate change, from the Paris Agreement to carbon budgets and embodied emissions. Fundamentals that should be part of general knowledge – not only for sustainability professionals but also non-professionals. Furthermore, widely used reporting frameworks as well as climate metrics are explained.
Get to know everything about energy renovations and how to build in a climate-compatible way. Renovation measures such as different heating systems, energy efficiency measures on the building envelope and solar systems are explained including their pros and cons. Diverse aspects of construction and their climate impacts are outlined, from concrete to sufficiency.
Biogenic carbon
Climate crisis
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Climate risks
– Transition risks arise from human responses and efforts to cope with climate change, such as: new regulations, changing investor and tenant preferences or new technological developments. In the case of real estate, there is a risk that a building will become a so-called stranded assets, i.e. that there will be a loss of value – e.g. because the building does not meet future standards and regulations and/or because a CO2 tax will result in additional costs in the future. For the assessment of transition risks, the two metrics ITR and CVaR (Carbon Value at Risk) are often used for real estate.
– Physical risks arise from extreme weather events or changing climatic conditions. Physical risks for real estate are e.g. floods, which can lead to major property damage, or heat waves, which lead to overheating in buildings and thus health risks.
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CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere
Atmospheric CO2 influences the climate through the greenhouse effect and leads to acidification of the ocean due to its solubility.
Graphics: CO2 concentration over the last 800,000 years (NASA)
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CO2 equivalents
Very often when talking about CO2 emissions, the CO2 equivalents are meant.
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CO2 budget
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Global warming
Global warming has far-reaching and sometimes irreversible consequences for humans and the environment, such as rising sea levels, stronger and more frequent weather extremes and the loss of biodiversity. Switzerland is particularly hard hit: the average temperature here has already increased by 2°C. The other effects of climate change on Switzerland are described in the Swiss Climate Scenarios CH2018.
Graphics: “Show me your stripes” project by the University of Reading
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Embodied emissions
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Climate change
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Negative emissions
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Greenhouse gases (GHG)
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CO2 footprint
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Net zero
According to the 6th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), net-zero greenhouse gas emissions must be achieved in order to stop global warming. However, the rise in temperature, i.e. the extent of global warming, does not depend on when net zero is reached, but rather on the cumulative emissions that are released by then. The CO2 reduction path to net zero is therefore crucial.
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Paris Agreement
The Paris Agreement aims to limit average global warming to well below 2°C compared to pre-industrial times, aiming for a maximum temperature increase of 1.5°C. In addition, the agreement obliges all states to submit and explain a nationally defined reduction target at international level every five years.
The Paris Agreement is a milestone in the multilateral climate change process, as for the first time a binding agreement commits all nations to make ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects.
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United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
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Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
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Scope 1 emissions
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Scope 2 emissions
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Scope 3 emissions
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- D: Disclosure (completeness of disclosure)
- C: Awareness (of environmental risks)
- B: Management (of environmental risks)
- A: Leadership (in the environmental sector)
The answers are summarized into an overall score, the CDP rating, from A to D–. This CDP rating is a valuable benchmark for objectively evaluating and comparing companies and is therefore often published.
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Swiss Climate Scores
Actual state:
- Greenhouse gas emissions (intensity or footprint)
- Exposure to fossil fuels
Transition to net zero:
- Global warming potential / ITR
- Verified Commitments to Net-Zero
- Management at Net-Zero (intermediate targets and decarbonisation path)
- Credible climate dialogue
The Swiss Climate Scores are voluntary. However, the Federal Council recommends that all Swiss financial market players apply them and thus create transparency and comparability.
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In addition to recommendations on governance, strategy and risk management, the TCFD recommendations also contain recommendations on climate metrics and targets. Recommended metrics include:
- Absolute emissions and CO2 intensity
- Proportion of assets or financing activities exposed to climate risks
- Future-oriented temperature alignment, e.g. with ITR
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Developed for use on existing properties, the 36 assessment indicators allow a comprehensive assessment of the condition of a property in the areas of society, economy and environment.
The resulting assessment results can be used to derive portfolio- and property-specific sustainability strategies and define specific measures. The ratings also serve as a meaningful basis for transparent and comparable sustainability reporting.
The clearly defined and publicly accessible evaluation process is certified by the SQS - Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems.
The Swiss Sustainable Real Estate Index is also recognized internationally by GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark).
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GHG Accounting
Switzerland’s greenhouse gas inventory
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GHG Protocol
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Temperature Alignment
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- GEAK Effizienz Gebäudehülle: Efficiency of the building envelope (i.e. the heating demand)
- GEAK Effizienz Gesamtenergie: Overall energy efficiency (i.e. the final energy demand, whereby the different energy sources are weighted with national weighting factors)
- GEAK Direkte CO2-Emissionen: Direct CO2 emissions (according to Switzerland’s greenhouse gas inventory)
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Minergie-P meets the requirements of lowest-energy buildings.
- Minergie-A focuses on independence through self-production.
- Minergie ECO additionally takes health, building ecology and embodied energy and emissions into account.
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Energiekennzahl (EKZ)
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Treibhausgasemissions-Kennzahl / CO2 footprint (operational emissions)
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Erstellungsemissionen (embodied emissions)
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AMAS (building specific)
- Coverage ratio in %: Proportion of properties in the portfolio for which data is available and disclosed
- Energy mix: Share of fossil energy sources in %
- Energy consumption* in MWh per year
- Energy intensity* in kWh per year and m2 energy reference area
- CO2e emissions* (GHG emissions) in tons of CO2 equivalents per year: accounting based on GHG Protocol, considers Scope 1 and 2 emissions with Swiss average emission factors for electricity and district heat (location-based approach)
- CO2e emission intensity* (GHG emission intensity) in kg CO2 equivalents per year and m2 energy reference area: accounting based on GHG Protocol, considers Scope 1 and 2 emissions with Swiss average emission factors for electricity and district heat (location-based approach)
*This KPI is also required by REIDA.
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Heating systems
Heating systems (Intro)
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Geothermal heat pump
- No fossil fuels
- Very efficient and cost-effective operation
- Geothermal probes are not visible and audible
- Geothermal probes have a very long service life of over 50 years and therefore lead to an increase in the value of the property
- Cost-effective and ecological cooling function
- High investment costs
- Not feasible everywhere
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Air-source heat pump
- No fossil fuels
- Efficient and cost-effective operation
- Cooling function can be integrated
- High investment costs
- Causes noise and is visible when placed outdoors
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Groundwater heat pump
- No fossil fuels
- Very efficient and cost-effective operation
- High investment costs
- Long planning and approval process
- Not feasible everywhere
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Pellet heating
- No fossil fuels
- Large space requirement for storage space or silo
- Costly maintenance
- Particulate matter (PM) emissions
- High operating costs
- “Waste” of high-quality energy (exergy), which could be used to produce electricity
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District heating
- No fossil fuels (depending on the heat source!)
- Low investment costs
- Often high operating costs
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Oil heating
- Low investment costs
- Fossil fuel / not climate-friendly
- High operating costs
- Dependent on foreign energy imports
- High space requirement due to oil tank
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Gas heating
- Low investment costs
- Fossil fuel / not climate-friendly
- High operating costs
- Dependent on foreign energy imports
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Envelope efficiency
Roof renovation incl. insulation
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Attic insulation
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Facade insulation
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Cellar ceiling insulation
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Window replacement
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Solar systems
Photovoltaic system
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Thermal solar collectors
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Biogenic construction materials
- It would have to be ensured or guaranteed that the carbon does not re-enter the atmosphere at the end of the component’s life.
- The sink performance only takes place when the extracted raw material grows back and is therefore an ongoing process. As a result, the negative emissions (if at all) will only occur in the future and may therefore only be offset then. In addition, it would have to be ensured or guaranteed that the renewable raw material reaches the same level as the extracted raw material.
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Floor heating
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Building floor plan
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With increasing heating, cooling is becoming necessary for more and more buildings. According to Swiss standards, cooling is necessary for existing buildings if the room temperature is above 26.5°C for more than 400 hours per year (whereby the verification must be carried out with a dynamic simulation program). This is where another advantage of heat pumps comes into play: they can be used for both heating and cooling. The resulting electricity demand can be generated by photovoltaic systems as cooling and thus also the electricity demand are highest in summer at noon – and this is exactly when photovoltaic systems generate the most electricity.
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Underground construction
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Load-bearing structure
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Circular construction
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Gone are the days of manually collecting data and measuring building plans. Design and compare over 500 different renovation strategies with just a few clicks including technical feasibility, regulatory compliance, subsidies, tax savings and rent implications, PV yield, operational and embodied emissions. Assess both buildings and portfolios and create tailor-made renovation and investment plans that are aligned with climate goals.
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