about climate

AMAS (building specific)

AMAS defined the following energy and climate KPIs for real estate portfolios:

- Coverage ratio in %: Proportion of properties in the portfolio for which data is available and disclosed

- Energy mix: Share of fossil energy sources in %

- Energy consumption* in MWh per year

- Energy intensity* in kWh per year and m2 energy reference area

- CO2e emissions* (GHG emissions) in tons of CO2 equivalents per year: accounting based on GHG Protocol, considers Scope 1 and 2 emissions with Swiss average emission factors for electricity and district heat (location-based approach)

- CO2e emission intensity* (GHG emission intensity) in kg CO2 equivalents per year and m2 energy reference area: accounting based on GHG Protocol, considers Scope 1 and 2 emissions with Swiss average emission factors for electricity and district heat (location-based approach)

*This KPI is also required by REIDA.

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We aim to empower fast and easy renovation planning at scale by enabling real estate consultants and owners to maximize financial performance while achieving climate compatibility.

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With our software, you can quickly generate and compare over 400 renovation strategies based on their CO2 emissions and financial performance.

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