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Biogenic construction materials

Biogenic construction materials are based on renewable raw materials such as wood, sheep's wool, straw or hemp and usually have low embodied emissions. The decisive factor for embodied emissions is that the biogenic material is available as regionally as possible, is grown sustainably and is not processed too much (with as little binder as possible). Many biogenic materials such as wood, straw or hemp also bind CO2 (biogenic carbon), which was removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis during plant growth. Most Life Cycle Assessments do not consider the (interim) stored carbon as negative emissions, for the following reasons:

- It would have to be ensured or guaranteed that the carbon does not re-enter the atmosphere at the end of the component’s life.

- The sink performance only takes place when the extracted raw material grows back and is therefore an ongoing process. As a result, the negative emissions (if at all) will only occur in the future and may therefore only be offset then. In addition, it would have to be ensured or guaranteed that the renewable raw material reaches the same level as the extracted raw material.

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