about climate
CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere
Atmospheric CO2 describes the total amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, including natural and human-made emissions. Over the past 800’000 years, CO2 concentrations have risen above 300 ppm (part per million, equivalent to one millionth) – until industrialization. Since then, the CO2 concentration has risen rapidly and currently stands at 422 ppm.
Atmospheric CO2 influences the climate through the greenhouse effect and leads to acidification of the ocean due to its solubility.
Graphics: CO2 concentration over the last 800,000 years (NASA)
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We aim to empower fast and easy renovation planning at scale by enabling real estate consultants and owners to maximize financial performance while achieving climate compatibility.
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Our software
With our software, you can quickly generate and compare over 400 renovation strategies based on their CO2 emissions and financial performance.
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