about climate

Global warming

Global warming describes the increase in the average temperature of the near-Earth atmosphere and oceans caused by climate change since the beginning of industrialization around 1750. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the global average temperature has already increased by 1.1°C.

Global warming has far-reaching and sometimes irreversible consequences for humans and the environment, such as rising sea levels, stronger and more frequent weather extremes and the loss of biodiversity. Switzerland is particularly hard hit: the average temperature here has already increased by 2°C. The other effects of climate change on Switzerland are described in the Swiss Climate Scenarios CH2018.

Graphics: “Show me your stripes” project by the University of Reading

Global warming (Scandens)

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We aim to empower fast and easy renovation planning at scale by enabling real estate consultants and owners to maximize financial performance while achieving climate compatibility.

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With our software, you can quickly generate and compare over 400 renovation strategies based on their CO2 emissions and financial performance.

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