about buildings


In addition to efficiency (reduction of energy losses, e.g. by insulating the building envelope) and consistency (use of renewable energies), sufficiency is the third of the three sustainability strategies. Sufficiency is the limitation or reduction of demand and consumption. In the building sector, this means, for example, reducing the room temperature or space consumption. If the room temperature is reduced by 1°C, the heating demand is reduced by approx. 6% (Schweizer Mittelland). In addition, sustainable construction and living ultimately help little if every person would claim an immensely large living space. In contrast to efficiency and consistency, which can be increased with technical measures, sufficiency is about measures that require behavioral changes in people.

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We aim to empower fast and easy renovation planning at scale by enabling real estate consultants and owners to maximize financial performance while achieving climate compatibility.

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With our software, you can quickly generate and compare over 400 renovation strategies based on their CO2 emissions and financial performance.

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